This sale is for a 10 day rental at a banner slot located at Opportunity Avenue's Bannervision Mall.
Slot location providing that it is available at the time of purchase = top (1st) 468 x 60 Banner of bannervision set 7. See bannervision set 7 above.
bannervision = A banner display unit with an objectivity similar to that of a television.
After purchase i will need your banner url location and destination address or an image of the banner ad and it's destination address so that i can install it in it's appropriate slot. After payment please return to this page and send mentioned infomation via this link After installation I will send you a username, password and location where you can check the statistics of your banner campaign
If the slot is not available at the time of purchase I reserve the right to install your ad in the adjacent slot.
Thank you
- Brand not applicable
- Mfg Part # not applicable

pay pal prefered..Payment must be made within 7 days of purchase.
Your item will ship within one day of payment.
Your item must be returned within 14 days of purchase..The buyer will be liable for all shipping cost involved to return or exchange an item unless the wrong item was delivered in which case the seller will be liable for all shipping cost involved following the initial delivery.
I like to build a win win situation.
Thank you.